Rhythms of Life
Secret of Eternal Bliss
Dance of Universal Ecstasy
Stability of Change with the Change
Philosophy of Transformation in Nature

Trance-formation of Day

Trance-formation of Day
Feeling the dynamics of nature

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Mirror water, mountain and dusk light

Before the darkness the dusk will remain in the junction of day. Sun will set in a moment. Sky is keeping silent. Mountain is steady and still beside the lake. Water is the mirror. Sky makes the shadow in between light and darkness. Water creates the image in between heaven and hell. As above so below is the name of that image. Mountain marks the hight in the sky. Image makes the depth in the lake. But both are same. Only one is an illusion. If you see from the heaven image is the illusion. If you see from the hell mountain is the illusion. When the water is not there we cannot see the image. When the sky is not there mountain cannot survive. Sky is the space for mountain. Water is the space for image. But can the image survive without mountain? Even if the mountain is there can it produce an image without lake? If both mountain and lake are there can we see the image without light? Image will become an visual by reflecting light to our eye. Image is the effect.>>> What is the cause?

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