New year means that Sun starting a new journey through the cycle of zodiac. It starts from zero point. Everybody synchronizes their life journey according to Sun's journey. Cycle begins with a new force. It is new Sun. New light. Everything becomes new and fresh. Everybody wants to get life refreshed physically, mentally, emotionally, socially, spiritually. This is not only a celebration. This is a life task. It is very difficult but important. Nothing is left in this new moment. From earth to sky is a one family. It is cosmic family. Sun, moon ad other planets are in one solar family. They represent many aspects of our lives. Both good and bad are there. Fortune and unluckiness are there. wellness and sickness are there. Happiness and unhappiness This is the time everybody expects only good, fortune, wellness, and happiness. But life is a journey through many obstacles. It faces many challenges. Only plus point is that we are still living with a new hope.
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