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Trance-formation of Day

Trance-formation of Day
Feeling the dynamics of nature

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Full moon's light belongs to Sun

When full moon is in the sky everybody forgets sun. Moon is not generating it's own light. It is all sun's light reflected by moon. When it is reflected it becomes moon's light. Moon producing moonlight. But if sun is not there, the moonlight will not come to world. Without light there will be no moon. We see the moon because of it's light. We are always see sun and moon separately because they are not seen together. But they are in the same sky. When the sun is shining moon is not seen. That is new moon day. Waxing and waning of moon is an optic illusion in some scientific aspect. But for artists, poets, and laymen it is a beautiful heavenly being. It is a legendary and romantic celestial object. Sun gives the light to moon. Moon makes the moonlight. But light belongs to sun. Rabbit belongs to moon. Even the moon is not lighted moon will be there forever.

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