Rhythms of Life
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Philosophy of Transformation in Nature

Trance-formation of Day

Trance-formation of Day
Feeling the dynamics of nature

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Shadow behind the moonlight

Shadow of mountain is in front of the moon. Because moon is behind the mountain. But other side of mountain is lighted. Moon doesn't select the side which is to be lighted. Mountain cannot select the side which is to be darkened. Light or darkness cannot make the selection. That is clearly decided by from which side we are observing. This is the subjective phenomenon created by ourselves. But if you become the moon or mountain what will be the result? It is different. Because when we are a part of the problem we cannot get out of it. We must be the part of solution. Therefore don't be a part of disease. But be a part of remedy. It means that you must always be in the enlightened side. That is not in between moon and mountain. Because moon will become null and void on new moon day.

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