Rhythms of Life
Secret of Eternal Bliss
Dance of Universal Ecstasy
Stability of Change with the Change
Philosophy of Transformation in Nature

Trance-formation of Day

Trance-formation of Day
Feeling the dynamics of nature

Friday, August 27, 2010

The World is Within Us

When you look out of the window, you think that you see an image with your eyes, as this is the way that you have been taught to think. However, in reality this is not how it works, because you do not see the world with your eyes. You see the image created in your brains. This is not a prediction, nor a philosophical speculation, but the scientific truth. we acknowledge that all the individual features of the world are experienced through our sense organs. The information that reaches us through those organs is converted into electrical signals, and the individual parts of our brain analyze and process these signals. After this interpreting process takes place inside our brain, we will, for example, see a book, taste a strawberry, smell a flower, feel the texture of a silk fabric or hear leaves shaking in the wind. All of these facts lead to the same conclusion. Throughout our lives, we always assume that the world exists outside of us. However, the world is within us.

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