Rhythms of Life
Secret of Eternal Bliss
Dance of Universal Ecstasy
Stability of Change with the Change
Philosophy of Transformation in Nature

Trance-formation of Day

Trance-formation of Day
Feeling the dynamics of nature

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Legendary Icon of Moon Rabbit

I heard the story of "moon rabbit" from my grandma in my childhood. Once upon a time Lord Buddha was born as a rabbit. The king of gods wanted to test his dedication to the humanity. The god came to the rabbit as a hungry beggar and asked for something to eat. Rabbit didn't have anything to give. He offered his own flesh and jumped to a fire. Then rescued him and painted his shadow i the moon. The rabbit in the moon is not a real one. It is only a shadow. But it is the ultimate icon of humanity, kindness and sympathy. The rabbit had the real dedication for eliminating others' pains and sufferings. It had empathy to understand other's feelings and become so altruistic. Naturally rabbits are very innocent and shy. But this rabbit was strong and devoted. The philosophy of moon rabbit is based on yin and yang. In one moment in your life have you become a moon rabbit?

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