Rhythms of Life
Secret of Eternal Bliss
Dance of Universal Ecstasy
Stability of Change with the Change
Philosophy of Transformation in Nature

Trance-formation of Day

Trance-formation of Day
Feeling the dynamics of nature

Thursday, November 4, 2010

See through the Dress of Nakedness

It is not logical to think the nakedness is an erotic form of art. It is the natural form of life. Dress is unnatural until the humans misguided by the serpent. This is a phallic symbol of the human sexuality. Serpent is against the bible but not the almighty God. To me serpent cult is a symbol of health and wellness of life. It represents the hidden energy of ultimate cosmic power. We must look into the body not at the surface. Somebody will find the serpent is coiled at the base of the spine. It must come up and meet the other end of energy. Shakti meets Shiva at that point. The whole waves of the ocean of mind will become calm and cool at this zero level. Listen to your own body...! It was naked. It is naked. It wants to be naked. But our minds are naked. Bodies are well-dressed. We must get dressed in our thoughts and feelings. Then you will be able to look at the body with an open mind.

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