Rhythms of Life
Secret of Eternal Bliss
Dance of Universal Ecstasy
Stability of Change with the Change
Philosophy of Transformation in Nature

Trance-formation of Day

Trance-formation of Day
Feeling the dynamics of nature

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Even in summer desert enjoys sunlight

Deserts are dry in nature. They are waterless and but not infertile. Deserts have their own natural environment like forests. Only difference is forests are green. Deserts are brown. Deserts are living because sunshine. That is their vital force. Therefore deserts don't feel hot even in summer. they enjoy sunlight since it is their life giving force. Deserts are so reliable to earth. They are stale with earthly friendliness. Even if they are not greenish or having spring water they are happy. That is because they are so entertaining earth's warm care. As deserts are grounded they feel more dynamic in living. It is dynamic as an ocean. It is an ocean of sands. It also has waves. Because desert exists sky, wind, ocean and forest exist. Deserts are fertile for their real creatures. Deserts are created for the existence of mother nature. They are nurtured with her warm and love.

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